Saturday, October 6, 2012

Why President Obama Is Still the Smartest Man I Know?

What many people, including me, felt was a big blunder and even defeat for President Obama on the debate Wednesday evening, was a superb strategy. In hindsight, it was perhaps the best debate strategy in presidential history.

It took me a while to figure it out, particularly since I am on vacation in Aruba and only getting bits and pieces of the aftermath of the debate.  But like many Obama supporters, I could not rest until I shed light in my mind on what appeared to be a complete turnaround in President Obama’s debate skills and presentation.

From the very beginning, the Obama team predicted Mitt Romney would be the Republican challenger.  They were prepared for this even before all the Republican debates and primary, so there is simply no way President Obama was unprepared or intimated.

After hashing the debate over and over with my husband, we really believe President Obama intentionally performed in what appeared to be a lackluster debate as a part of his strategy to expose Mitt Romney’s inconsistencies, and reveal how he would do anything to win an election.

President Obama was aware that Romney would come well-prepared to answer questions that have haunted him like the forty-seven percent video, refusal to release taxes, and the constant flip-flopping of issues among other things. President Obama did not want Romney to have the opportunity to defend those issues with additional lies to the people.  His strategy allowed Romney to continue with more inconsistencies, including saying he supports education, but is going to defund PBS, the educational television channel when he is in office.

The very next day, President Obama went on the campaign trail speaking about all the issues many highly anticipated he would bring out in the debate.  One important component, Romney was not there with his well-prepared rebuttals.  President Obama took a big chance with his strategy. Some polls show a slight bump for Romney after the debate, and many supporters were upset at what appeared to be a lackluster performance, but the truth shall be revealed. 

President Obama is focused, smart and realizes he has an opponent with whom he has to stay one step ahead of the game.  I anxiously await the next debate and pray the real Obama will show up and show out.

VOTE on Tuesday, November 6th.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

African American Women and their Motivational Quotes-National Women's History Month

      A couple of years ago, I was in the office of Attorney Janice Mathis, Executive Director of the Rainbow Push in Atlanta and saw this quote on the wall.  “I am but one, but I am one.  I can’t do everything, but I can do something.  What I can do.  What I ought to do, with God helping me, I will do.” After reading it twice, I remember telling her I would give her credit three times and then claim it my own.  Janice responded, “That’s alright, there is a lot more of that in me, so I will just come up with something else.”  
     Her response is significant to the life and struggle so many of our foremothers who throughout the history of America, always came up with something else in order to survive despite the many barriers of color, poverty, hate and despair.  These courageous women saved lives, opened doors, cleaned floors, educated, graduated, raised children, lost children and husbands, worked, cooked and slaved in the hot sun for hours and days.  They endured many roadblocks, but remained steadfast always managing to come up with something else, another way to survive.
      In honor of National Women’s History Month, I am particularly reminiscence of the great African American women whose accomplishments have inspired me on my journey.  Some famous with stories written in history like Harriet Tubman, one of the greatest conductors on the Underground Railroad who reportedly led over five hundred slaves to freedom and later said, “ I could have saved thousands more if they had only realized they were slaves.” Madam CJ Walker is recognized as the first self-made woman entrepreneur in America and was a pioneer in the hair care business creating wealth for thousands of African American women and men who were part of her prestigious sales team. Madam Walker remarked about her career progression in July, 1912 at the National Negro Business League Convention, “I am a woman who came from the cotton fields of the South. From there I was promoted to the washtub.  From there I was promoted to the cook kitchen and from there I promoted myself into the business of manufacturing hair goods and preparations….I have built my own factory on my own ground.”
     Many African American women fought tirelessly for civil rights in the fifties and sixties.  Among them was Fannie Lou Hamer, a civil rights activist and instrumental figure in championing the right to vote and eliminating pervasive poverty in the African American community.  While Fannie Lou is sometimes credited with coining, “I Have a Dream” which was the prelude to what remains the most famous speech in the world by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., she is probably best known for saying, “I am sick and tired of being sick and tired,” which later became her epitaph.  The most famous woman of the civil rights movement, Rosa Parks, once remarked in response to why she did not give up her seat on the bus to a white man, “The only tired I was, was tired of giving in.”  I marvel at the strength of these great women in history and having had the pleasure of being in the presence of Ms. Parks on a few occasions, the energy I felt was likened to turning on a switch to a lamp. She made a room light up. 
     As we travel on the journey of life, each of us will find our own heroes. Someone will carve a place in your life history to inspire you.  I remember the first time hearing a Black woman give a motivational speech in the late 1970’s at a business function. Her name was C. Delores Tucker, an activist for women’s and civil rights. Later she became an outspoken anti-rap activist, challenging lyrics that degraded women.  Her speech captivated me and I had never heard anything so compelling.  I kept these words from that dynamic presentation with me for life, “we must stand tall like a cypress and walk like a stallion.”  At the passing of my late grandmother, Vivian R. Brown, I used these words in her eulogy to describe how she lived her life.
.   Another significant inspiration for me was the first motivational note I received in 1979. One of my business professors in college invited entrepreneurs from the community to speak to the class.  Maryellen Thomas was the public relations director for Proctor and Gardner Advertising, the first advertising agency owned and managed by a Black woman, Barbara Proctor.  Maryellen’s thirty-minute presentation left me inspired about my future.  Her voice was low in pitch but powerful in substance.  I was so moved that I wrote her a thank you note stating that I hoped to meet her on the road to success. Surprisingly, I received a reply I have kept in my possession throughout the years. “You are already there….We cannot achieve every goal or vision.  But, as long as you envision new dimensions of those goals and exercise the energy needed to make them reality, the lull or storm in between is not failure, even though some wish to interpret it as such.  Also, success isn’t always standing, it’s falling down but never forgetting the magnificence of your goal’s skyline… until you are able to stand and touch the sky.” Many times I have failed. Many times I find the letter, read it again encouraging me to stay on the road and I still stand.  I often wonder what became of Maryellen and what she would think if she knew that a brief note to a student became a part of her life history.
     During National Women’s History month, take a stroll through your journey and discover or reconnect with some of the beautiful, courageous African American women who made it possible for us to head major corporations, become leaders in politics, travel in outer space and make decisions that shape the fabric of the world.  Most important, share this history with girls and young women so they too will know their foremothers and perhaps carve a place in history, their school, workplace and communities.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

South Carolina Conservatives help Newt Gingrich win a Despicable Victory

And I am appalled. After having the audacity to give a standing ovation to Newt Gingrich at the Thursday night Republican debate when he defended his infidelity by lying on his second wife, the South Carolina Right Wing Conservative voters presented Newt with a trophy win. Isn’t this the same Newt who lead the effort to have President Clinton impeached, yet he was receiving a standing ovation for defending his actions of infidelity. Are the Evangelical Christians of South Carolina pro-life, yet overwhelmingly support adultery?

Another lie of the debate is Newt blaming his poor choices on President Obama, or at least the liberal media giving support to the President. Where did that come from Newt? Either you were a cheater in your previous marriages or not. President Obama had nothing to do with your unfaithful past. I would declare Newt as the Pinocchio of the debate and his nose should have grown a few more inches, because he was one big liar.

It wasn’t too long ago when another Republican candidate by the name of Herman Cain was forced to abandon his campaign due to his infidelity problems during marriage. In fact, many prominent Republicans leaders and journalists were suggesting that Mr. Cain step down. Now, Newt is surging in popularity with the same character issues lingering. Where are those Republican leaders when it comes to Newt or are the Right Wing Conservatives so thirsty that they will drink the poorest quality of tea?

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Chicago, IL, United States
“Mo Better” Inspiration is an arena for a sharing of informative, education, and discussions on issues pertaining to our world, lifestyles, communities, personal growth, inspiration, and cultural awareness. “Mo Better” Inspiration is a global blog where people with similarities and differences can exchange information, ideas and viewpoints designed for a positive blog experience. I encourage people from around the world to participate in engaging discussions that stimulate the mind.