Saturday, December 31, 2011

Thank You First Lady Michelle Obama

Thank you First Lady for staying true to yourself and remaining focused on your goals of health and fitness for both children and adults.  You are a shining example of courage and the beauty that illuminates from you is a positive role model not only for black women, but for women around the world.

Far too often, black women are attacked for their natural physical features which oddly are imitated by every race of women.  Besides our exquisite features, we are intelligent, talented, creative and spiritual women who have remained strong throughout history to preserve a culture of greatness.

We should not allow the ignorance of others to capture our minds in an attempt to unravel all the good we have contributed to the past and future of the world.  Yes, some of us to have “large posteriors” but our bodies do not define who we are.  Black women should refuse to embrace media images that suggest to us that the three percent of women we see on TV, movies, and magazines should determine what ninety-seven percent of women should look like, wear and even how we feel.

I applaud First Lady Michelle Obama who refuses to allow negative media to distract her from her goals of encouraging healthy lifestyles.  I support her efforts against childhood obesity, improved education and setting a prime example of family values.  You are Divine in Your Skin! 

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Chicago, IL, United States
“Mo Better” Inspiration is an arena for a sharing of informative, education, and discussions on issues pertaining to our world, lifestyles, communities, personal growth, inspiration, and cultural awareness. “Mo Better” Inspiration is a global blog where people with similarities and differences can exchange information, ideas and viewpoints designed for a positive blog experience. I encourage people from around the world to participate in engaging discussions that stimulate the mind.